Thank you for the interest in my blog!
I hope you will find interesting stuff here related to my personal life and the experience I have gained.
The 'Aero' particle in the blog' title comes from my love of the AEROSMITH's music.
Have a nice reading and if any comments arise don't hesitate to post them!
This blog is dedicated to all my current and future friends around the world!

четвъртък, септември 20, 2007

Some photos from my internship in Łódź

Mmmm, GOFRY! :))

D'you wanna visit Bulgaria?! ;))

Me as a ghost! ;) Spooky ;P

Whata nice fountain :) Close to my dorm in the garden of the Managament Faculty, University of Łódź

Believe it or not - the Library of Łódź University!

With some of my AIESEC friends in the Silver Screen Cinema Center, Łódź

Typical urban style silhouette in Łódź - church, traffic lights and trees together :)

The modern Łódź

Beautiful but ghost ;)

It's good to have balls but for a girl?! ;)))

Welcome to Poland!

The one and only - Manufaktura!

The shitty floor in my shitty room!

The shitty dirty wall aside to my bed!

Me in the Magam's office :)

On the stairway to the Lublin's Castle

Łódź - actually it means a boat! This is the symbol of the city :)

That's how I looked after 3 and-a-half weeks without shaving because of the varicella!

Photos: Victor Tomov

Първия Български Бутон за споделяне

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